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Here, you’ll find posts on lessons I’ve learned, the things I find interesting, and what I am working on. Although I am not much of a writer, (really, it takes me a very long time to write together a post), it is an attempt to track my thoughts and share learnings through the years.

Although my interest is wide, you will most likely find contents regarding **software** and **hardware development** on this blog.

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  • Nov 7, 2021 Installing Fusion 360 on Linux
    Get Started Here Install Zenity and run this command mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/fusion-360/bin" && cd "$HOME/.config/fusion-360/bin" && wget -N https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cryinkfly/Autodesk-Fusion-360-for-Linux/main/files/builds/stable-branch/bin/install.sh && chmod +x install.sh && bash install.sh && exit references https://github.com/cryinkfly/Autoesk-Fusion-360-for-Linux
  • Nov 7, 2021 Debugging Unifi Adoption Issues
    absent-mindedly factory reset USG that led to this whole fiasco. Lesson learned.
  • Nov 7, 2021 Mainsail Configuration Notes
    using mailsail for now
  • Nov 7, 2021 Voron 0.1 Build
    printed parts things to do before building # organize nuts and screw into correct sizes lub rails use ptfe lub, and fill greese from back there you see the ball bearings check threads on screw before using save some time when inserting into aluminum extrusion Notes While Building # Good Stuff # setting the nuts into the track was not too bad didnt really need a printed part to do this Trouble while building # getting a completely square frame used a piece of large tile.
  • Nov 7, 2021 Klipper Macros
    Setting up and Tutorials here and good place to learn all the macros on github uses Jinja templating language [gcode_macro pause_toggle] variable_pause_resume_state: None # pause is 1 gcode: ## Two ways, 1. # {% set pause_resume_state = pause_resume_state | default('pause', true) %} # SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=pause_toggle VARIABLE=pause_resume_state VALUE="'{ pause_resume_state }'" # 2. SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=pause_toggle VARIABLE=pause_resume_state VALUE="'{ pause_resume_state | default('pause', true) }'" # Check end position to determine safe direction to move {% if printer['gcode_macro pause_toggle'].
  • Nov 7, 2021 Initial Research of LowRider 3
    Goals # is to take on 4x8 sheets when needed, if not will stick with 4x2 or 4x4 table make the table expandable in the y direction adjustable belt for y-axis to take on 4x2, 4x4, or 4x8 configurations disasemble into small parts, take no floor space when not in use Design Modifications # Y-axis the the expandable axis Dual Carriage (IDEX) # design from V1 engineering forum Useful for multiple bits Collapsible Supporting Table # Design inspiration from forum
  • Nov 7, 2021 Secondary MCU for AXDL
    initial plan found out that the attiny85 is not a supported device in klipper. using atmega328p dev board instead Flashed Klipper Firmware on Arduino Nano # make menuconfig disabled low level config pulled down the compiled file, named the file firmware.hex had avrdude from platformio $ ~/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude -v -p atmega328p -C $HOME/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude.conf -c arduino -b 57600 -D -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -U flash:w:firmware.hex:i Using Arduino Nano Atmega328P # adxl345 - this on has on board voltage regulator
  • Nov 7, 2021 Voron 0.1 Calibration
    Using SuperSlicer Filament First # Figure out your max volumetric flow rate for the extruder that you have Dragon HF is documented at up to 60mm3/s - but im sticking to 30 mm3/s figure out the max acceleration and speed that you would like to operate at 10000mm/s2 for accel in x and y 800 mm/s for velocity set printer physical limit in Slicer this will help get an accurate time estimate make sure the ‘very short layer time’ speed limit is not set, or else this will limit your print speed start your calibration Flow Calibration # need to run this at all desire height Temperature Calibration # make sure to try to break to figure out the max Extruder Retraction # Bridge Flow # Find Speed Limit # do filament calibration first plug in accel and run input shaper calibration Run Input shaper # plug in accel run and pick recommended values set accel much lower than recommended Pressure Advance Calibration - at speed # basically follow this instead of SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT SQUARE_CORNER_VELOCITY=1 ACCEL=500 and TUNING_TOWER COMMAND=SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE PARAMETER=ADVANCE START=0 FACTOR=.
  • Nov 7, 2021 Mini-After Sherpa Toolhead
    The Extruder Sherpa-Mini-Extruder lightweight, easy to service extruder The bottom part Sherpa mini mount looks like we can have various thickness of the hotend fan with this design Allow for update for 24v fan? Mini-AfterSherpa looks like the mini-afterburner. just chopped off, should be completely compatible with all mini-afterburner fans When printing the Mini-Sherpa make sure you set all the correct slicing parameters. First print came out weak.. Tasks # Toolheads # Dragon: Dragon(fly) Initial Release Groove-mount V6: Supported (not yet tested) Mosquito/NF Crazy: Supported.
  • Nov 7, 2021 Machine Limits