Secondary MCU for AXDL
- initial plan
- found out that the attiny85 is not a supported device in klipper.
- using atmega328p dev board instead
Flashed Klipper Firmware on Arduino Nano #
make menuconfig
- disabled low level config
- pulled down the compiled file, named the file
- had
from platformio
$ ~/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude -v -p atmega328p -C
$HOME/.platformio/packages/tool-avrdude/avrdude.conf -c arduino -b 57600 -D -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -U
Using Arduino Nano Atmega328P #
adxl345 - this on has on board voltage regulator
adxl is using could be using SPI or I2C
- some boards are forced into i2c mode with a pull-down resistor.
- klipper works with SPI.. our board is SPI
SPI needs the following pins
Arduino Pin | Arduino Pin Name | ADXL345 Pin |
3V3 | VCC | |
10 | PB2 (actual name in printf.cfg) | CS |
12 | MOSI | SDO |
11 | MISO (Remember, data line.. master IN slave out) | SDA |
13 | SCL |
- looked at klipper source code
- ping for nano should be called just “spi”
final configuration is
[mcu adxl]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0
cs_pin: adxl:PB2
spi_bus: spi
axes_map: x,z,y
accel_chip: adxl345
60, 60, 20
- Final product
Things to note for reference #
- Compare with Pi Pico
ADXL345 pin RPi Pico pin name spi0a spi0b spi0c spi1a spi1b GND GND 38 38 38 38 38 CS CSn 2 (GP1) 7 (GP5) 22 (GP17) 12 (GP9) 17 (GP13) SDO SPI RX 1 (GP0) 6 (GP4) 21 (GP16) 11 (GP8) 16 (GP12) SDA SPI TX 5 (GP3) 10 (GP7) 25 (GP19) 15 (GP11) 20 (GP15) SCL SPI SCK 4 (GP2) 9 (GP6) 24 (GP18) 14 (GP10) 19 (GP14)
Logs #
Thu 05/19/2022 #
- 05:06 Using PlatformIO
- Trying to use pio core to find Tiny85 to do do a test upload
- had pyenv version, but removed it since it was old
- had prebuilt binary sitting in .local/bin - removed it, because it was old
- installed using brew, which will be easier to keep up with new versions,
brew install platformio
- digispark attiny85 wont work, we’ll be using atmega328p 16mhz i have laying around
- ultimately, were looking to use klipper to compile, but need a way to push it to the MCU
- Trying to use pio core to find Tiny85 to do do a test upload
- 06:01 ultimately
Sat 05/21/2022 #
- 10:48 Completed.