Voron 0.1 Build
- printed parts
things to do before building #
- organize nuts and screw into correct sizes
- lub rails
- use ptfe lub, and fill greese from back there you see the ball bearings
- check threads on screw before using
- save some time when inserting into aluminum extrusion
Notes While Building #
Good Stuff #
- setting the nuts into the track was not too bad
- didnt really need a printed part to do this
Trouble while building #
- getting a completely square frame
- used a piece of large tile.. but still not perfect
- very very little wobble exists. but were not building a rocket i guess.. so we’ll see
- flipped on of the bearing for core-xy. instead of having the shoulder fo the bearing facing out, from one another both bearings were facing in the same direction
- had to take apart and fix mistake
- didnt really understand what it means to have the belts be cut at the same length
- was thinking “i have extra belt, so i dont really need to measure down to the mm”
- this was wrong, its better to set up one belt. take it out, cut the exact size for the second belt. as prescribed in the instructions
- Electronics were not too bad
- formbot kit had too short of a wire for part fan motors, and extruder motors
- i guess it would be the perfect length if you use the “umbilical” mode
- formbot kit had too short of a wire for part fan motors, and extruder motors
- screws for the legs were too short.. a 40mm wont do. 45mm is perfect
- had to buy an extra “assorted” box of M3 – this is needed for future anyways
Trouble while Setting up Klipper #
- pay attention when setting up the CORE-xy motors
- make sure all the
stepper buzz
move in the correct direction - do your first homing slowly, take the time to do it.
- make sure all the
- didnt know what thermistor was used with hotend
- had to try a bunch of different “sensor types” on klipper
- finally found that for MY printer.. it is the “ATC Semitect 104GT-2”. had the closest reading to 200C
- used Fluke 17B+ i had around to do temp cross check
- adding accel for measuring resonance
- had to add rpi as secondary mcu ffirst - follow this or else when you add in the input shaper configurations into printer.cfg, the firmware wont start
- taking awhile to figure out what is limiting the speed for advance pressure at 100m/s
- it turns out that the “time to cool” was limiting the print speed
- Follow the wiring layout EXACTLY as you see it in the PDF
- this REALLY means that the leads to the hotend fans should be split!!
- this REALLY means that the leads to the hotend fans should be split!!
Next #
- use it until you find the mods that you really need
Mods #
- Looking at mini sherpa extruder since the mini-afterburner is down