Initial Research of LowRider 3
Goals #
- is to take on 4x8 sheets when needed, if not will stick with 4x2 or 4x4 table
- make the table expandable in the y direction
- adjustable belt for y-axis to take on 4x2, 4x4, or 4x8 configurations
- disasemble into small parts, take no floor space when not in use
Design Modifications #
- Y-axis the the expandable axis
Dual Carriage (IDEX) #
- design from V1 engineering forum
- Useful for multiple bits
Collapsible Supporting Table #
minimal floor space for 4x8 sheet
- breakdown of design in video
- here is the design file
Sits on sawhorses for the full 4x8
Laminated plywood for strength
unistrut for railing
- use 1.5", the narrower 3/4" was not recommended by og designer
use modular furniture clips to hold parts together
tensioner design
- note that the Lowrider3 has a different belt system than Lowrider2
- reconsider table design
- note that the Lowrider3 has a different belt system than Lowrider2
Laser Mounting #
- Use diode laser attachment
Parts #
Electronics #
- enclosure
- something like
- something like
- reuse old parts?
- got some NEMA 17 motors on hand
- auto squaring is necessary for a modular table like this
- 5 driver board - min
Mods #
Logs #
Sun 01/15/2023 #
- 07:42 Looking at Controller board for IDEX configuration
- : (A) BTT octopus - +lowrider
- : Choose between UART 2209 or 2209? +lowrider - read here -,-The%20TMC2208%20drivers&text=The%20TMC2209%20drivers%20have%20lower,StallGuard4%2C%20fully%20optimized%20for%20StealthChop2.
- : (A) BTT octopus - +lowrider