Voron 0.1 Mods
Nov 7, 2021
Huy Le
2 minute read
  • add raspberry pi camera
    • thinking of switching to hacked Wyze v2 for better night vision
  • added chamber temp sensor
    • ds18b20 sensor

Adding Chamber Temperature Sensor #

  • enable 1-wire interface - look here
    • using the default GPIO pin 4 from this guide
    • added this to /boot/config.txt dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=4, since using sudo raspi-config to enable the 1-wire interface did not work
      • had to manually disable 1-wire from raspi-config and manually add the dtoverlay... line. This is for RPI B+

Add Neopixels #

there is a dedicated pin on controller board. We can control it from the raspberry pi also, but this is cleaner, and faster

  1. chain the neopixels with data line
  2. give power to it
  3. connect data to neopixel pins
  4. add your printer.cfg
[neopixel case_lights]
##  Chamber Lighting - In 5V-RGB Position
pin: PA8
chain_count: 10
initial_RED: 0.0
initial_GREEN: 0.0
initial_BLUE: 0.0
  1. add a macro to turn on and off the lights SET_LED LED=neo RED=1 GREEN=0 BLUE=1 will turn all lights to purple SET_LED LED=neo RED=1 GREEN=0 BLUE=0 INDEX=5 TRANSMIT=0 address LED 5, to be purple, but dont turn on the light yet.

dedicated pin

Logs #

Sat 03/18/2023 #

  • 06:11 adding buttons to front face – Unable to resolve reference to ../../../../wiki/r-ueyopogw from projs/3d-printers/voron-0.1/mods/index.mdKlipper Gcode Buttons with Raspberry Pi GPIO
    • buttons connections
    • Buttons are connected in order, from left to right on the front face
      • extruder - gpio18
      • heat bed - gpio23
      • extrude - gpio24
      • print - gpio16
      • play/pause - gpio20
      • stop - gpio21

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