Voron 0.1 Mods
- add raspberry pi camera
- thinking of switching to hacked Wyze v2 for better night vision
- added chamber temp sensor
- ds18b20 sensor
Adding Chamber Temperature Sensor #
- enable 1-wire interface - look here
- using the default GPIO pin 4 from this guide
- added this to
, since usingsudo raspi-config
to enable the 1-wire interface did not work- had to manually disable 1-wire from
and manually add thedtoverlay...
line. This is for RPI B+
- had to manually disable 1-wire from
Add Neopixels #
there is a dedicated pin on controller board. We can control it from the raspberry pi also, but this is cleaner, and faster
- chain the neopixels with data line
- give power to it
- connect data to neopixel pins
- add your
[neopixel case_lights]
## Chamber Lighting - In 5V-RGB Position
pin: PA8
chain_count: 10
initial_RED: 0.0
initial_GREEN: 0.0
initial_BLUE: 0.0
- add a macro to turn on and off the lights
will turn all lights to purpleSET_LED LED=neo RED=1 GREEN=0 BLUE=0 INDEX=5 TRANSMIT=0
address LED 5, to be purple, but dont turn on the light yet.
Logs #
Sat 03/18/2023 #
- 06:11 adding buttons to front face – Unable to resolve reference to ../../../../wiki/r-ueyopogw from projs/3d-printers/voron-0.1/mods/index.mdKlipper Gcode Buttons with Raspberry Pi GPIO
- Buttons are connected in order, from left to right on the front face
- extruder - gpio18
- heat bed - gpio23
- extrude - gpio24
- print - gpio16
- play/pause - gpio20
- stop - gpio21