Initial setup #
- hassio running on VM
- esphome installed
Network info #
iw dev
- will show you all the wireless interface names
Flashing using Tuya Convert #
pulled image and build as Tuya-convert instructions
after pull did
docker-compose exec tuya bash
- will enable interaction to the container
- run it the container and see the
- do
screen -ls
to see all the screen running - do
screen -r
to attach to the screen to see the info- all of this is sitting in the base
file too
- all of this is sitting in the base
- do
Connect phone to vflash network
you can leave the power on, and the devices connected
- put the switch into connecting mode, press and hold
- i turned off the load/light after if it does come on
- put the switch into connecting mode, press and hold
once tasmota web server has been started
log in to it, provide it your SSid to your network so you can log on on the computer to upload the ESP firmware
- special notes - becare if your devices are on different subnet and vlans
and upload compiled binary from ESPhome to get the switch to convert over to ESPHome firmware
Flash esphome #
- build the binary file and use the web service from tuya to flash
- if flashing doeesnt work, and its
not compatible
set option 78 to on -SetOption78 on
in tuya esp console - using the web service provided by the switch itself- this disables the OTA check -
Setting up Unifi Network #
- reset all devices
Home lab setup #
QNAP will always be running to support the network
- Users are able to log into network
- Use LDAP server for domain users
data storage for network
Container apps
- Unifi Controler - Bridge Mode Interface -
- NodeRed
- PiHole also?
HASSIO - Manjaro
- user: hassio
- password: hassio
IoT #
Feit dimmer switches - Wifi
- Tuya - convert to
Schlage Connect door lock - Z-wave plus
Ecobee 4 - Wifi
- Will switch to z-wave
Homemade doorbell?
- Using to design and print
TODO Don’t know what this ia #
☐ get a
network between all the docker hosts- this would be between hass and guardian
- for an overlay network we need docker swarm
☐ convert dimmer to using tuya convert
for guacamole good site to learn more about networking, hass, and tinkering
Setup so far #
- overlay net named
- run traefik2 - run postgres - run
guacamole Woker1 - hass:
- trying to get to the overlay net - might need to look up multi-hostn
networking - solution to swarm-overlay-network with docker-compose
getting traerfik to work on overlay network how to get docker and swarm
getting swarm up and running: - - setting static ip to
- IS THIS NECESSARY? - containers register itself as static
saving homeassistant configurations #
Network Debugging #
or tracepath
: - gives us the path -
traceroute is more powerful than tracepath get network map using
- not a standard tool on linux nmap -sP
will get a
mapping of the network get network map and operating
system - it’ll tell you the hostname, and all the open ports
nmap -sT -O
: another good tool ## interfaces ip addr
will get you the ip
address of your interfaces sudo ifdown <interface name>
- bring down
your interface sudo ifup <interface name>
- bring up your interface ##
DNS you can specify the DNS for each interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
firewall settings #
sudo iptables -L
# References gerneral linux server checks |
- docker compose stack all together |
staging servers - - remember to add
certificate to the browser
for DNS setting
- make sure we catch all subdomain coming in!
for authorization to work, DNS for wildcard needs to be set like this
- is needed specifically for the oauth app, this
might be changable
- is needed specifically for the oauth app, this
might be changable
Docker compose home assistant #
Adding USB remember to add into “dialout” group #
Moving HASSIO from amd64 to Arm-aarch64 #
had to remove all the old add one and install new one (looks like update does it too)
- aarch64 did not work, had to go with
- lights keep turning on and off, due to wrong ip address for MQTT server
Troubleshooting HASS #
Resetting user password #
since we are running in docker with HASSIO to change the password require us to be in the “Operating system terminal”
this means direct access to hassio_cli
docker exec -it hassio_cli /bin/bash
ha authentication reset --username "user" --password "password"
Network Wired connection running at slow speed #
- path laptop –> usb hub –> cat5e connector –> cat6 cable –> cat5e connector –> wall plate –> cat6 –> patch panel –> switch
- problem comes in with the cat6 cable and two cat5e connectors